In previous blog I tried to discuss on allergy which in medical term called Type I allergy that is mediated by a chemical, immunoglobulin (IgE) produced plasma cells in our body by the help of TH2 cells.
But there are other types of allergy also. Most important of them is
type IV which can be prevented by the people themselves. The disease caused by this type of allergy is mostly called 'contact dermatitis'. The very name

suggests the cause. It is manifested by chronic eczematous lesion with intense itching in skin of hands or foots or any site of body that remain contact with abnoxious materials for prolong period.
Pic: Contact dermatitis with rubber
It is usually due to contact of our skin to many substance like cosmetics, many metals commonly nickel in watch belt or eye glass frame, plastics, rubber, different dyes specially hair dye, dye used in cloths, spray as aerosol etc.
Even some sorts of light can also be harm full specially for eye causing chronic watering or itching which decrease upon exposure to day light after coming from the indoor.
Here is a
case report of watering from eyes of a boy of 12 years. The boy was suffering from watering and itching of both eyes for the last 2 years. Ophthalmologist prescribed him symptomatic treatment with local steroids and antihistamines but problem persisted when drugs discontinued. The family was known to me from the childhood of the boy when there was no ocular problem. During taking history I observed that the onset of the disease coincide with their changing of residence in their new house 2 years before and the patient admitted that his symptoms aggravated when he stayed at home and decreased when he became out his house. So, I became assure that the allergic agent was in side his house. I advised him to change his bed to another room when he felt better than when he was in his old room and advised him to shift his used materials from his old room to new place gradually in 2 to 3 days. Ultimately the culprit was identified that it was his table cloth which was a plastic oil cloth of bright yellowish green colour. As soon as it was removed his room he got cured from the symptoms.

It is important that, any affected person who acquired the disease for the last few weeks or months, should think first of any articles including new bed seat, pillow cover or other dress or any household objects those have being used for last few months or period which coincide with the onset of his or her disease.
Pic: Plastic contact dermatitis watch belt
It should also be noted that, contact dermatitis is acquired several days to few weeks after contact with the offending materials.
So it is clear, that living in a artificial environment using mostly artificial materials favours allergy like contact dermatitis. Hair dyes are most dangerous and recently most (about 22) ingredients been banned by European union as they have been found to be related with bladder cancer. Body aerosols have been found to be related with breast cancer. Light colour is good and best colour is white. It is cool for all.
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