Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Prevention of Filariasis ( গোদ রোগ )

Filariasis is a very common disease in northern region of Bangladesh and many other countries including African countries. The name of the organism is Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. ( Pic: microfilaria of Wuchereria bancrofti in blood) Most of the species of mosquito can transmit the disease by carrying larva( called microfilaria) from infected person during their blood meal. Only the female mosquito can transmit the disease. After infection a man harbour the filarial worm for about five years in their lymphatic tissue. During this period this person could be a source of infection. We can prevent this transmission by giving albendazole 400 and 300mg diethycarbamazine (adult dose) yearly for five years to both infected and uninfected persons in an endemic area. Chronic filariasis can cause elephantiasis-swelling of legs, hands, scotum, labia or breast. Swelling of breast can be cofused with breast tumor. So the history of residence is very important in this instance. In infected person, a small larva, called microfilaria can be found in blood, chylous urine( milky white), hydrocele fluid and other body fluids. See two video clips of microfilaria in blood and urine.
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Common water Filters and Viral Hepatitis

Water borne viral hepatitis (A, E) is a common problem in Dhaka and other areas of Bangladesh and also in many other countries. There are many causes for the present situation. It is partly due to the lack of knowledge of water purification. Boiling is best among the all methods but it needs a setup of heating appliance. So, many people think that water filters, those are used in Bangladesh are safe. Actually water filters without UV or heating can't prevent viral infection because size of virus is very very small and its access can not be prvented by the common filters. Without UV or heating some good types of filters can prevent parasitic disease and some times bacterial infections like salmonella, vibrio or shigella which are responsible for enteric fever or gastroentritis respectively. Moreover, one can easily observe that there is no BSTI logo for quality of these filters in Bangladesh. So these filters are not helping rather misleading the people. General people using the filtered water with a good faith and are suffering. Boiling is very good but if not availble then use of chlorine tablet or liquid is more helpfull then filter.
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Health care: How will you make Vegetables safe from Insecticide

It is a common practice among the vegetable growers that insecticides are sprayed in the vegetables just before marketing to keep their products fresh for longer time. But it is not safe for health nor is permissible. At least it should be applied a week before marketing the vegetables. The insecticide used in such a way is definitely health hazardous. But it is not preventable at least in the context of Bangladesh situation. So, it is duty of the consumers not the government to create a way to use safe vegetables. But how? It is easy. Before cutting the vegetables make a solution of sodi-bi-carb (sodium bicarbonate) by mixing one table spoon full of soda in two liters of and water the vegetables in the bucket of solution and keep for at least five minutes and wash in it. Then remove the vegetables from the solution and wash in plain water and now ready for cutting or consuming.

No paste for Oral Health

We most of the people use dental paste to clean our mouth regularly. Did you think that it is always helpfull? It is not. I am a medical microbiologist. I want to explain with my experience. Cleaning of mouth means to clean the food partcles from our mouth those remained every after meal or eating in the space of teeth or gum. So it is unnessesary to use any chemical in our mouth, only a branch of tree is enough to serve the purpose. If one use this type of branch of tree four or five times a day or every after eating it will keep one's mouth normal without any hazourd. Rather any chemical which may contain antiseptic or mouthwash should do harm to the normal flora of our mouth, or these chemicals should be absobed from mouth and can cause remote side effects on our many vital tissue like kidney or liver. In this way the normal flora will develope resistance to many antiseptic and later on creat problem in the treatment on many infections. More over loss of money is also a factor. If you observe to the people who are Imams or khadems of a masjid that they never use any paste and they rarely go to the dentist. People of rural area use paste less than urban area and most of the dental patients come from urban area.

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Eating with hand is scientific than with spoon

Eating with hand is always benifitial and scientific than eating with a spoon. It will be slight difficult to make understand a nonmedical person in this respect. Still if we clarify it simply that, we have many bacteria in our body- on the skin, in mouth, intestine called normal flora. Normal flora are usually harmless and protect us from many harmful bacteria from outside environment. We get these normal flora starting from after birth from mother skin and hands. Gradually many types of normal flora clonizes on different parts of our body. Maintenance of this colonization is needed for better health by updating the type of normal flora in our gut. If one use spoon (clean- bacteria free) for long time or drinks bottle water ( which is bacteria free) ultimately his pattern of normal flora will be changed or loss its current code of normal flora in the gut and he will loss his concomitant immunity to environmental bacterial pathogens. This type of people if suddenly exposed to a environment where water contains some sorts bacteria( that is not harm full to local people) will suffer a lot from gastroenteritis. As for example, in our country when some people come from abroad after several years of staying there mostly suffer from acute gastroenteritis within few days of coming here. Where as local people don't suffer from the disease with same foods and drinks or water.similarly people from urban area suffers when they visit villages after a long period.
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Viral Hepatitis and Vaccination misguiding

Viral hepatitis are common cause of jaundice in Bangladesh and other developing countries. There are several types of viruses responsible for hepatitis, they are type A, B, C, D, E, G etc. ( HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV, HGV). Among these HAV and HEV are commonly transmitted through oral route with contaminated food, drinks or water because these two viruse are excreted in the stool of infected persons. Virus is carried by flies from stool or by cockroach from toilet and these may contaminate foods /drinks easily. Virus may contaminte water due to leakage of swearage line or due to improper purifcation of water collected from river. Ice cream or any drinks/food kept in refregerator made from contaminated water without prior boiling can also transmit viral as well as bacterial diseases. HAV is exceted 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the onset of jaundice. So it can not be prevented easily. HBV,HCV and HDV are tansmitted through parentral route i.e, through blood transfusion or needle sharing and by sexual contact.For the prevention of these diseases avoidnace of open air daefecation, use safe water for drinking or washing hands or utensil before eating ( not only filtered- but boiling or chlorination must) will prevent HAV or HEV infection. Vaccination for HAV is also available. For
HBV vaccination is availble and now it has been included in primary vaccination programme in Bangladesh recently.Vaccination will prevent the respective viral disease against which vaccination has been given not the other viruses. From the above information it is clear that only two antiviral (hepatitis) vaccine are available in Bangladesh and also in other countries . So we must not feel safe after vaccination with these one or two types of vaccine that viral hepatitis will occur no more. It should be noted that HCV is more dangerous than HBV and HEV is notorious than HAV.So, we should be aware about the possilble routes of transmission of viruses responsible for viral hepatitis or also other viruses and bacteria. We should not rely on vaccine only.

Why Solar Eclipse may somtimes causes Injury to Eye

google10f0934a5965041e.html Solar eclipse is rare than lunar eclipse. Particularly full solar eclipse is very very rare. On 22nd July we enjoyed a such a full solar eclipse from many areas including Rangpur, Bangladesh. I have tried to have some picture with my nonprofessional experience but sky was somewhat cloudy particularly at the time of most exiting moment during full eclipse.

Pictures from my Camera ( Olympus C 740)

Causes of Injury to Eyes It could be injurious to eye to look at the sun particularly several minutes before and after the full eclipse. At this time our pupil become larger in size because light intensity become slows down. Our eye reacts like an automatic camera . It opens in darker and closes in brighter light. In extreme light (looking at full sun) size of pupil can be 0.1 mm in diameter and in darkest light it can as large as 9 mm in diameter. During a solar eclipse size of pupil becomes 3 or 4 mm in diameter or like due to covering most part of the sun by the moon. Picture from website But the light from exposed part of the sun will not loss its power of illumination and will enter our eye affecting the macula with a greater intensity of 30 to 40 times (0.1X30 or 40) than other time of normal days and it is sufficient to burn our macula causing blindness. It can be compared with looking at torch light at night or viewing television in dark room which eventually disturb our vision but not at day time. We should remember that in any time intensity of the sun never goes down or increases or there is no variation of UV light coming to the earth from the sun. Looking at sun in normal days for longer time may also causes burning our macula of eye.