Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No paste for Oral Health

We most of the people use dental paste to clean our mouth regularly. Did you think that it is always helpfull? It is not. I am a medical microbiologist. I want to explain with my experience. Cleaning of mouth means to clean the food partcles from our mouth those remained every after meal or eating in the space of teeth or gum. So it is unnessesary to use any chemical in our mouth, only a branch of tree is enough to serve the purpose. If one use this type of branch of tree four or five times a day or every after eating it will keep one's mouth normal without any hazourd. Rather any chemical which may contain antiseptic or mouthwash should do harm to the normal flora of our mouth, or these chemicals should be absobed from mouth and can cause remote side effects on our many vital tissue like kidney or liver. In this way the normal flora will develope resistance to many antiseptic and later on creat problem in the treatment on many infections. More over loss of money is also a factor. If you observe to the people who are Imams or khadems of a masjid that they never use any paste and they rarely go to the dentist. People of rural area use paste less than urban area and most of the dental patients come from urban area.

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